Sunday, December 03, 2006
Dog Training Tips
Hello Everyone i was OFF for a LONG WHILE.. But now i am back with these exciting TIPS for You ALL DOG OWNERS..
Dog Training Tips:
Make Sure…
-While training your dog, there should not be any distractions.
-Treat your dog as soon as he obeys your command with something, which is not part of his regular diet.
- But don’t overdo the treats, as it will only make him feel full and lazier.
-Your training sessions should not be more than 20 minutes and should end optimistically.
Basic obedience Training…
These are some of the basic things that you can train your dog in.
Sit/Stay: For training your dog to sit / stay, hold out a special treat in front of your dog. Once he takes in the smell and the taste, give the command to sit/stay. Seeing your hand movements the dog will sit on its own. Continue doing this over and over again making sure to reward him with a special treat every time he obeys the command.
Down/Down Stay: When your dog is sitting, hold a special treat in front of your dog. With your hands motion him to come forward and go down at a 45 degrees angle. This might take more time and when your dog comes to a half down position you can reward him encouraging him to go down completely.
Come: This is relatively easy once your dog has been successfully trained in sitting/ staying. You need to be at a distance from your dog and with an enthusiastic gesture with your hands wave out for the dog to come towards you. Once he starts coming towards you as always reward him. This will tell him what you mean by ‘come’.
Heel: This means to walk. For this also you need to make sure what you trying to tell him. Once he obeys your command, reward him.
Toilet Training: This should start right from the beginning because it requires a lot of time for your dog to get used to it. You should make sure that they have their individual space and like all of us even they need a little bit of privacy to do their work. After their work is over make sure to reward them so that they know this is what is expected of them.
You must have noticed that every time your dog obeys you, you need to reward him. This not only encourages your dog but also motivates him to do his best all the time.
Dog Trainers…
If you think you cannot handle all of this, then you have an option of professional dog trainers who would help you in training your dog. You can either take your dog there or have the dog trainer come to your place.
Some Places to Train your Dog…
C.L.E.A.R. Dog Training
Tingalpa, Brisbane
Ph: (07) 3390-4272
Mobile: 0408 758 862. Underdog Training & Behaviour Consulting PO Box 184, Southland Vic
Ph: 0402 112 105
Bark Busters Home Dog Training
Ph: 1800 067 710.
-Wagalot Pet Care
Melbourne Australia
Ph: 0408 339 201. -K9
P.O. Box 109
Burpengary, Queensland
4505 Australia
Ph: +61 73385 5476
Mobile: +61 0411 530 861
Infor Source:
Dog Training Tips:
Make Sure…
-While training your dog, there should not be any distractions.
-Treat your dog as soon as he obeys your command with something, which is not part of his regular diet.
- But don’t overdo the treats, as it will only make him feel full and lazier.
-Your training sessions should not be more than 20 minutes and should end optimistically.
Basic obedience Training…
These are some of the basic things that you can train your dog in.
Sit/Stay: For training your dog to sit / stay, hold out a special treat in front of your dog. Once he takes in the smell and the taste, give the command to sit/stay. Seeing your hand movements the dog will sit on its own. Continue doing this over and over again making sure to reward him with a special treat every time he obeys the command.
Down/Down Stay: When your dog is sitting, hold a special treat in front of your dog. With your hands motion him to come forward and go down at a 45 degrees angle. This might take more time and when your dog comes to a half down position you can reward him encouraging him to go down completely.
Come: This is relatively easy once your dog has been successfully trained in sitting/ staying. You need to be at a distance from your dog and with an enthusiastic gesture with your hands wave out for the dog to come towards you. Once he starts coming towards you as always reward him. This will tell him what you mean by ‘come’.
Heel: This means to walk. For this also you need to make sure what you trying to tell him. Once he obeys your command, reward him.
Toilet Training: This should start right from the beginning because it requires a lot of time for your dog to get used to it. You should make sure that they have their individual space and like all of us even they need a little bit of privacy to do their work. After their work is over make sure to reward them so that they know this is what is expected of them.
You must have noticed that every time your dog obeys you, you need to reward him. This not only encourages your dog but also motivates him to do his best all the time.
Dog Trainers…
If you think you cannot handle all of this, then you have an option of professional dog trainers who would help you in training your dog. You can either take your dog there or have the dog trainer come to your place.
Some Places to Train your Dog…
C.L.E.A.R. Dog Training
Tingalpa, Brisbane
Ph: (07) 3390-4272
Mobile: 0408 758 862. Underdog Training & Behaviour Consulting PO Box 184, Southland Vic
Ph: 0402 112 105
Bark Busters Home Dog Training
Ph: 1800 067 710.
-Wagalot Pet Care
Melbourne Australia
Ph: 0408 339 201. -K9
P.O. Box 109
Burpengary, Queensland
4505 Australia
Ph: +61 73385 5476
Mobile: +61 0411 530 861
Infor Source:
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Dog Training
Take the time to read this great information , its amazing.......................
Puppy Care: Introducing Puppy to an Older Dog
by: Nikola Marshall
Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting experience! The puppy is excited, you are excited, but what about your older dog? You remember, the one who has been an only dog for years. It can be done and fairly effortlessly at that.
Dogs, for all their domesticity, still have a pack mentality. You, of course, are the alpha, or head dog. Your older dog will be the beta, or second in command. When bringing a new dog into the pack, your established dog may feel threatened. Be mindful of this. While you do want your newest addition to feel loved and welcomed, you also want your older dog to know that it is still loved very much and its position in the household is secure. There are a variety of things you may do to make this transition from a one dog to a two dog home go smoothly.
Go slowly! This is a brand new place for your puppy and a new situation for your older dog. Don’t rush them into any kind of relationship. Let the puppy explore. Allow them to get acquainted. I would advise here, to stay in close proximity when the dogs are just getting to know each other. Sometimes fights do break out and you won’t want either dog injured.
Spend quality time with each dog separately. This allows you to bond with your puppy and also shows your older dog that it is still an important part of your life. A caution here, don’t spend all of your time with them in separate situations. This may breed jealousy and ill will between dogs.
Play is important. Play with your dogs separately and also have playtime together. Make sure they have plenty of toys and chew toys. Once they begin having fun, it won’t be long until they are playing together and you are the one left out!
Reward good behavior. As mentioned, this is a new situation for both dogs. Reward them with playtime or treats so that they know that they are moving in the right direction.
This all may sound like a lot of work, but it truly isn’t. Once your dogs develop a relationship, your diligence will be awarded with twice the love!
About The Author
Nikola lives and writes in Oklahoma. She enjoys reading, scrapbooking and spending time with her two dogs. Nikola is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers.
Puppy Care: Introducing Puppy to an Older Dog
by: Nikola Marshall
Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting experience! The puppy is excited, you are excited, but what about your older dog? You remember, the one who has been an only dog for years. It can be done and fairly effortlessly at that.
Dogs, for all their domesticity, still have a pack mentality. You, of course, are the alpha, or head dog. Your older dog will be the beta, or second in command. When bringing a new dog into the pack, your established dog may feel threatened. Be mindful of this. While you do want your newest addition to feel loved and welcomed, you also want your older dog to know that it is still loved very much and its position in the household is secure. There are a variety of things you may do to make this transition from a one dog to a two dog home go smoothly.
Go slowly! This is a brand new place for your puppy and a new situation for your older dog. Don’t rush them into any kind of relationship. Let the puppy explore. Allow them to get acquainted. I would advise here, to stay in close proximity when the dogs are just getting to know each other. Sometimes fights do break out and you won’t want either dog injured.
Spend quality time with each dog separately. This allows you to bond with your puppy and also shows your older dog that it is still an important part of your life. A caution here, don’t spend all of your time with them in separate situations. This may breed jealousy and ill will between dogs.
Play is important. Play with your dogs separately and also have playtime together. Make sure they have plenty of toys and chew toys. Once they begin having fun, it won’t be long until they are playing together and you are the one left out!
Reward good behavior. As mentioned, this is a new situation for both dogs. Reward them with playtime or treats so that they know that they are moving in the right direction.
This all may sound like a lot of work, but it truly isn’t. Once your dogs develop a relationship, your diligence will be awarded with twice the love!
About The Author
Nikola lives and writes in Oklahoma. She enjoys reading, scrapbooking and spending time with her two dogs. Nikola is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Dog Training - Thanks
Dog Training
I just would like to thank everyone for all your time on visiting this Dog Training blog, i have alot of new stuff to add and great ideas for each and everyone of you Dog Trainers so make sure to check back with us ASAP.. and as often as you can..
Thank you very much everyone for everything...
take care and..
Ti'll next time
Dog Training
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I just would like to thank everyone for all your time on visiting this Dog Training blog, i have alot of new stuff to add and great ideas for each and everyone of you Dog Trainers so make sure to check back with us ASAP.. and as often as you can..
Thank you very much everyone for everything...
take care and..
Ti'll next time
Dog Training
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Over 700 directories listed - free, paid, niche and regional - stop searching and start submitting!. - Free Stock Photos and webmaster resources
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Dog Training
Dog Training
Dog training, the most simple acts often produce the best results. In any dog pack, the alpha sets the rules and the rest follow. Therefore, by establishing yourslef as the alpha, you can be sure that your obedience training sessions will be that much more productive. The following is a list of 8 simple things you can do to teach your new puppy or unruly dog that you are the alpha in your pack.
1. Never feed your dog from your plate while you're eating. A dog must learn that your are the alpha and that it can only eat when you are finished with your meal.
2. Never allow your dog on the sofa or on your bed. And if your dog sits on your path, gently shove it out of the way with your foot. By setting boundaries, you will instill in your dog that it must obey the alpha.
3. Never allow your dog to chew on your towels, socks, shoes, or clothing. Use bitter apple to discourage these behaviors.
4. NEVER HIT YOUR DOG FOR MISBEHAVING. Instead use the tone of your voice and a collar/leash to teach and make corrections.
5. Never allow a puppy to chew on your fingers. Otherwise, it will become a habit that will be very hard to break when it becomes an adult. Spray you hands and fingers with bitter apple and then allow the dog to proceed. The dog will learn not to bite your fingers without associating any negative thoughts about you as the alpha.
6. Never leave a hyper dog unexercised. Playing ball before you leave for work and after you return can help alleviate your dog's pent-up energy.
7. Never keep your dog alone in a yard for days at a times. Without proper socialization your dog will become aggressive towards other dogs as well as other humans. A dog needs contact with its own species in order to learn how to behave in a dog pack equally as well as it must learn to behave in a human pack. A dog left alone for long periods of time will believe itself to be the alpha and try to dictate to its master instead of the other way around.
8. Never allow your dog to jump on you or your guests. Its fun when your dog is a puppy, but it isn't fun when it becomes a 100lb behemoth. Practice with a collar and leash and set up situations where a neighbor rings your doorbell while your dog awaits their entrance. Make a sharp correction and command your dog to "sit" when as your neighbor enters the house. And, of course, don't forget to praise the dog as soon as it follows your command. Once the dog knows what to do, try the same thing off leash, but this time use a water spray bottle and spray your dogs face with water as punishment for jumping with a stern vocal correction of "NO". Proceed to praise your dog once again when your dog obeys your command. This way, it will learn to associate praise with correct action.
By following these steps, you will establish yourself as the alpha. And, you will have a head start in trainig your dog because it will have already learned to respect your authority as its leader.
Author: Armen T. Ghazarians offers advice and articles for those interested in training their dogs like the professionals. His blog offers information regarding many aspects of professional Dog Training for anyone who is not a professional dog trainer.
Dog Training
Dog training, the most simple acts often produce the best results. In any dog pack, the alpha sets the rules and the rest follow. Therefore, by establishing yourslef as the alpha, you can be sure that your obedience training sessions will be that much more productive. The following is a list of 8 simple things you can do to teach your new puppy or unruly dog that you are the alpha in your pack.
1. Never feed your dog from your plate while you're eating. A dog must learn that your are the alpha and that it can only eat when you are finished with your meal.
2. Never allow your dog on the sofa or on your bed. And if your dog sits on your path, gently shove it out of the way with your foot. By setting boundaries, you will instill in your dog that it must obey the alpha.
3. Never allow your dog to chew on your towels, socks, shoes, or clothing. Use bitter apple to discourage these behaviors.
4. NEVER HIT YOUR DOG FOR MISBEHAVING. Instead use the tone of your voice and a collar/leash to teach and make corrections.
5. Never allow a puppy to chew on your fingers. Otherwise, it will become a habit that will be very hard to break when it becomes an adult. Spray you hands and fingers with bitter apple and then allow the dog to proceed. The dog will learn not to bite your fingers without associating any negative thoughts about you as the alpha.
6. Never leave a hyper dog unexercised. Playing ball before you leave for work and after you return can help alleviate your dog's pent-up energy.
7. Never keep your dog alone in a yard for days at a times. Without proper socialization your dog will become aggressive towards other dogs as well as other humans. A dog needs contact with its own species in order to learn how to behave in a dog pack equally as well as it must learn to behave in a human pack. A dog left alone for long periods of time will believe itself to be the alpha and try to dictate to its master instead of the other way around.
8. Never allow your dog to jump on you or your guests. Its fun when your dog is a puppy, but it isn't fun when it becomes a 100lb behemoth. Practice with a collar and leash and set up situations where a neighbor rings your doorbell while your dog awaits their entrance. Make a sharp correction and command your dog to "sit" when as your neighbor enters the house. And, of course, don't forget to praise the dog as soon as it follows your command. Once the dog knows what to do, try the same thing off leash, but this time use a water spray bottle and spray your dogs face with water as punishment for jumping with a stern vocal correction of "NO". Proceed to praise your dog once again when your dog obeys your command. This way, it will learn to associate praise with correct action.
By following these steps, you will establish yourself as the alpha. And, you will have a head start in trainig your dog because it will have already learned to respect your authority as its leader.
Author: Armen T. Ghazarians offers advice and articles for those interested in training their dogs like the professionals. His blog offers information regarding many aspects of professional Dog Training for anyone who is not a professional dog trainer.
Dog Training
Dog Training
Dog Training

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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Dog Training
Dog Training
Pets, we all love to have them, specially an dog which is one of the most WANTED pets. Why? Because they are the famous Men's Best Friend. Now just imagine how bad would it be to have a untrained dog. An untrained dog could litter anywhere in your house, back yard, front yard, just anywhere. After less than a month of having that untrained dog with you, it could create all over inside your house that really bad odor that could be coming out of anywhere. Especially if you have carpet in your floor which absorbs all types of smells and odors that are so HARD to get it off, sometimes impossible. Now believe that all these things can be avoided if you go with your dog through a proper dog training.
If you are willing to go through the proper dog training it will save you a lot of work and problems in many areas. But getting your dog through the dog training is not a easy thing to do. Sometimes it takes a lot of work and dedication to achieve just one small objective. To make your dog become more familiar with the training, so that your dog can accomplish a fast and productive dog training you will need make all this dog training more than just a 2, or 3 , times per week thing. You will need to make DOG TRAINING part of your daily life. You should try to work with your dog in daily bases, that way your dog will be more and more familiar with the tasks you ask and teach him to achieve. One good thing to remember is you must make your dog training in short sessions, comparing to those long sessions you would normally have with your dog 3 times a week.
Remember to make the dog training a fun task for you and your dog, so knowing you are talking to a Dog, give him simple commands to achieve such as, Sit, Come, Stay, avoid the HARD Ones since you are in the early stages of your DOG training sessions. Make sure you use short words for your commands and the best thing is to use a different command word for every different TASK you give. When telling him to stop a action , don’t say CHILL DOWN, or cool off Dog, just say STOP.
To make the Dog training even more fun, don’t forget the treats. YES! Every time your doggy achieves a task make him happy by giving him a treat, that way he will understand he did a good action, he will know he deserved that treat and will always want to deserve because he likes it. But only give the treat if your dog accomplishes the task.
If you live alone, or you are a couple with no kids then you will have no problem in achieving a good dog training, because both of you will understand what is going on, but if you have kids at home make sure they understand what is going on around them, because we know kids love to have fun with their pets, fool around in the house, dig and hide small objects, play and get dirty everywhere. So make sure they understand that there will be a time for all that.
Owning a dog is taking the responsibility to care, train, love and always give your best to your dog, so when you are on your dog training sessions, never forget one thing. Have Fun!
Dog Training
Pets, we all love to have them, specially an dog which is one of the most WANTED pets. Why? Because they are the famous Men's Best Friend. Now just imagine how bad would it be to have a untrained dog. An untrained dog could litter anywhere in your house, back yard, front yard, just anywhere. After less than a month of having that untrained dog with you, it could create all over inside your house that really bad odor that could be coming out of anywhere. Especially if you have carpet in your floor which absorbs all types of smells and odors that are so HARD to get it off, sometimes impossible. Now believe that all these things can be avoided if you go with your dog through a proper dog training.
If you are willing to go through the proper dog training it will save you a lot of work and problems in many areas. But getting your dog through the dog training is not a easy thing to do. Sometimes it takes a lot of work and dedication to achieve just one small objective. To make your dog become more familiar with the training, so that your dog can accomplish a fast and productive dog training you will need make all this dog training more than just a 2, or 3 , times per week thing. You will need to make DOG TRAINING part of your daily life. You should try to work with your dog in daily bases, that way your dog will be more and more familiar with the tasks you ask and teach him to achieve. One good thing to remember is you must make your dog training in short sessions, comparing to those long sessions you would normally have with your dog 3 times a week.
Remember to make the dog training a fun task for you and your dog, so knowing you are talking to a Dog, give him simple commands to achieve such as, Sit, Come, Stay, avoid the HARD Ones since you are in the early stages of your DOG training sessions. Make sure you use short words for your commands and the best thing is to use a different command word for every different TASK you give. When telling him to stop a action , don’t say CHILL DOWN, or cool off Dog, just say STOP.
To make the Dog training even more fun, don’t forget the treats. YES! Every time your doggy achieves a task make him happy by giving him a treat, that way he will understand he did a good action, he will know he deserved that treat and will always want to deserve because he likes it. But only give the treat if your dog accomplishes the task.
If you live alone, or you are a couple with no kids then you will have no problem in achieving a good dog training, because both of you will understand what is going on, but if you have kids at home make sure they understand what is going on around them, because we know kids love to have fun with their pets, fool around in the house, dig and hide small objects, play and get dirty everywhere. So make sure they understand that there will be a time for all that.
Owning a dog is taking the responsibility to care, train, love and always give your best to your dog, so when you are on your dog training sessions, never forget one thing. Have Fun!
Dog Training
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Dog Training
Welcome to my dog training blog. Here you will learn everything there is to learn about dog training tips and tricks, also mastering dog training techniques you never imagined.
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